Saturday, January 16, 2010

So you think you're getting your power back?

Yesterday I mentioned I was starting to take a couple of small steps in hopes of regaining my power. Well apparently that prompted Infertility to deliver me a smack down with the message "You're still my bitch." I found out last night the methotrexate isn't working. My levels are rising. So what does that mean? Well, I'm on my way to the Doc's for an ultrasound and another blood draw-- if things are stable, I will likely opt for another dose. If things look worse, then I'll have to go in for surgery resulting in the removal of my remaining tube. By the way, methotrexate works in 85% of all cases, naturally I fell into the 15% group. Five percent of that 15% find that methotrexate isn't effective at all and eventually need surgery. We'll find out out which category I will fall into...

1 comment:

  1. I'm praying that the second dose works and that you will not need surgery. Sending healing thoughts your way.
