Sunday, January 17, 2010

Fun with Methotrexate

As Infertility delivered her message to me Friday reminding me I am still under her thumb. My message back to her is "Screw will not break me." I may be kept down a couple of days, but you will not break me! After finding out one dose of methotrexate was ineffective, there was a bit of good news yesterday. My ultrasound looked OK-- meaning they didn't see anything that would make them think I needed immediate surgery. My remaining tube is safe for now. I received my second dose of methotrexate this morning and am already starting to feel its effect. I'm hoping it won't be any worse than the previous dose when the side effects weren't exactly fun, but at least were manageable. For the next week and a half I will be on this Groundhog's Day loop of sorts. As with the previous dose my first draw in four days will likely see my levels rise, as is common after the initial dose, then a few days later my levels will likely decrease a bit, as they did previously. The third blood draw will be the first indicator to me whether the second does is more effective than than the first. Though I won't really feel safe until my levels consistently decrease and this drama is over with.

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